“Broken” by Matt Bechtel

*** Author’s Note — I promised to publish some original works of flash fiction on this blog, and I’m a man of my word. Below is a brand-new flash piece, written specifically for this platform and clocking in at around 450 words, titled “Broken.” I hope you enjoy, and I hope it piques your interest to keep your eyes on this site for more!     Broken By Matt Bechtel I thought nothing of it when I knocked my wife’s favorite compact off the vanity that morning. Noah was crying, so I was rushing to shave quickly and get downstairs to help Linda. The glass shattered, but no shards escaped the plastic case; I made damn certain of that, sweeping the tiles over and over again with my palm to ensure they were clean. Toddlers find anything dangerous left within their grasp, so I even emptied the wastebasket into the…

Congratulations! It’s a Blog!

Hello darkness, my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again – “The Sound of Silence,” Simon & Garfunkel Okay, so a blog post isn’t exactly “darkness.” But that quote sorta fits, and I wanted to open with a song lyric (I’ll explain why later). In case you couldn’t guess, I’m Matt Bechtel. Thank you again for your interest in, and support of, my writing. Technically, I’ve never had a blog before, but the key word there is “technically.” Long ago in a land far away known as high school, I wrote a column in the monthly school paper. Ten years after that (and now twelve years ago), I penned an original humor column in a local weekly newspaper that quickly became one of its most popular features. Then I was a regular contributor on the Necon E-Books web site, where I used to write articles titled “Bechtel’s Buckshot…